Cereria La Real
Enrique Vives set up his Paschal candle business between 1917 and 1923. Initially, it was run by his wife. At that time, the godfather of the current owner, Guillem Ramis, supplied the shop with the candles he made in his factory in the Secar de la Real district.
In 1989, Guillem Ramis Carbonell took over the business and renamed it Cereria La Real, in memory of his godfather’s factory. Although the business still sells its traditional product, other religious items such as medals, rosaries, figures of saints, and crosses of all shapes and sizes have been added to the product list. The family is also proud to hold the patent for the image of the Holy Christ of the Blood in the Church of the Annunciation.
The value of this business lies both in its antiquity and the fact that it represents a trade that has all but disappeared, with fewer and fewer establishments selling candles and religious figures. Furthermore, all the candles are handmade.
Plaça de l'Hospital, 2 · Palma · Mallorca
+34 971 723 180